...Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of the children so that they can some day...



Hand in Hand For Children of Chernobyl

The Children of Chernobyl program was founded in 1989. As a result of this program various states have become involved in hosting children. Hand in Hand is one of those programs. We provide children from the contaminated areas of the Chernobyl Region with the opportunity to live happy vital lives by finding families to host them during the summer.

A six-to eight-week stay in the United States allows the children a healthy respite from their dangerous environment and results in a substantial improvement in their medical conditions.

Clean air, pure water and uncontaminated food typically results in remarkable changes in the children including improvements in skin coloring, disappearance of bruises and sores,improved energy level, weight gain and relief from coughing bouts. Less visible, but important, are the reductions in radiation levels and improvements to the immune systems.

Our nonprofit charitable organization, based in Pennsylvania, is run by an all-volunteer group and endeavors to find medical, dental and eye care specialists to donate their services to the children.

We rely on corporate donations, local organization sponsorships and church and private donations along with fund raising events. We receive no government funding. Moneys raised defray the cost of airfare, visas, passports and evaluations for first year children.

© 2002-2011. Hand In Hand For Children of Chernobyl. All Rights Reserved.

...make a difference for their country, their people
and the world.